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Harrastemahdollisuudet Talvikaudella 2019-2020

Harrastemahdollisuudet Suomessa Talvikaudella 2019-2020

Suomessa on varsin hyvät mahdollisuudet RC-harrastukseen myös talvikaudella. Ratoja löytyy niin off-road (crossit), kuin On-road (touring) autoille. RC-kerhot ja Autourheilujärjestöt ylläpitävät ajopaikkoja myös talvikaudella. Osaan on ratamaksu ja osaan ei, riippuen järjestäjästä. Sisäkaudella on tärkeää muistaa puhdistaa auto kesän hiekoista ja mudasta sisälle siirryttäessä ja ajopaikalla on noudatettava erikseen mainittuja käyttäytymissääntöjä ja ajoaikoja.

Listasimme tähän yleisimmät ja ilmoitetut ajopaikat Suomessa talvikaudella 2019-20:


Fullspeed RC Hakkila (1.9.17 ->)
Vanha Porvoontie 231 Vantaa, C1 rappu

  • Off-Road
  • On-Road


  • kertamaksu arki-ilta klo 17 alkaen 10€ / kerta
  • kertamaksu arkena koko päivä 15€ / kerta
  • kertamaksu viikonloppuna koko päivä 15€ / kerta
  • kertamaksu koko viikonloppu (la+su) 20€ / kerta
  • kk-maksu 50€ / kk
  • kausimaksu 150€ / syys-joulu
  • kausimaksu 150€ / tammi-huhtikuu


RiiUa:n Pienoisautokerho - Harjurinteen koulu
Kalevankatu 3, 11100 Riihimäki

  • Sunnuntaisin Klo 9.50-16.00
  • On-road Touring Mattorata 1:10 ja 1:12 luokan autoille (touring, drifting, mattoautot, minit, formulat)


  • Ajaminen kerholla on ilmaista, mutta edellyttää osallistumista radan rakentamiseen ja purkamiseen.


Lahden Urheiluautoilijat - Kivijärven koulu
Vehkamäentie 24, Mäkelä (Nastola)
[email protected]

  • Lauantaisin Klo 10.00-18.00
  • On-Road 1:10 ja 1:12 luokan autoille
  • 25m x 12m, ETS speksin mukaiset matot



  • Kausimaksu 55€ / syksy
  • Kertamaksu 10€
  • Saman perheen jäsenistä yksi maksaa täyden hinnan, seuraavista 25e/kausi ja 5e/kerta.
  • Uusille harrastajille esimmäinen tutustumiskerta maksuton.


Raision seurakunnan autokerho - Raision Lukio
Kirkkoväärtinkuja 25, 21200 Raisio

  • Sunnuntaisin Klo. 9.00-16.00
  • On-Road 1:10 ja 1:12 Luokan autoille
  • 30m x 12m neulahuopamattoa.


  • Ensimmäinen kokeilukerta ilmainen
  • Osallistuthan radan rakentamiseen ja purkamiseen
  • Kerhomaksu 10€ / lukukausi / perhe


Äänekosken Pienoisautoilijat
Teollisuuskatu 3, 44150 Äänekoski

  • On-Road Touring-rata
    - Sopii 1/10 ja sitä pienemmille autoille
    - Neulehuopamattoa, koko n. 16 x 30m
    - MyLaps ajanottojärjestelmä, pondereita voi vuokrata hintaan 5€/päivä
  • Off-road Krossirata
    - Sopii 1/10 ja sitä pienemmille krossiautoille
    - Pinnoitettu lattia, radan koko n. 19 x 27m
    - MyLaps ajanottojärjestelmä, pondereita vuokrattavissa hintaan 5€/päivä

  • Kerhoilta torstaisin klo 18-20


  • Päivämaksu sisäradalle 10€/hlö
  • Kuukausimaksu sisäradalle 50€/hlö, ei jäsenille ja 35€/hlö kerhon jäsenille


Rauman Seudun RC-harrastajat ry
RaumRC:n sisärata, Kirkkotie 15, Eurajoki (ent.K-market Iso-Juha)

  • Keskiviikkoisin klo 17-21
  • Sunnuntaisin klo 12-21
  • 14x25m on GT Track-mattoa
  • On-Road 1/10 sekä pienemmille sähköautoille


  • 40€/kk
  • kertamaksu 10€/pv
  • Aloittelijoille tutustumiskerta ilmainen


Kymen pienoisautokerho
Raidetie 2 Kouvola (Koria) Vanha Domuksen tehdas
[email protected]

  • Auki sunnuntaisin klo. 10-18
  • Muina aikoina sopimuksen mukaan
  • 19x14m neulehuopamattoa
  • On-Road 1/10 sekä pienemmille sähköautoille


  • Kertamaksu: 10€


EPUArc / on-road
Frilundintie 2 Vaasa (Vanha sokeritehdas Vaskiluodossa)

  • Radalla ajellaan satunnaisesti arki-iltoisin ja yleensä viikonloppuisin lauantaisin ja satunnaisesti sunnuntaisin
  • Neulehuopamattoa, koko n. 14x25m
  • On-Road 1/10 sekä pienemmille sähköautoille


  • Kertamaksu 12€
  • Kausimaksu 110€
  • Ratamaksuilla voi ajaa vain mattoradalla, samassa rakennuksessa on myös VaasanUA:n sisäkrossirata, jossa on omat maksut

Vaasan UA / off-road
Frilundintie 2 Vaasa (Vanha sokeritehdas Vaskiluodossa)

  • Tiistai 18-21 (kerhoilta)
  • Keskiviikko18-21 (viikkokisa)
  • Off-Road sähköautoille


  • Kausimaksu 150 euroa / perhe
  • Kuukausikortti 40 euroa
  • Kertamaksu on 10 euroa


Oulun seudun pienoisautoilijoiden mattorata
Jokirannan koulu, Kiiminki

  • Lauantaisin klo 9-21 alkaen 7.9.2019
  • On-Road Kaikki sähköautot sileillä renkailla ovat tervetulleita
  • Tarkett Tapisom 600 neulahuopamattoa, rata-alue 25m x 12m.


  • 100 € sisäratamaksu / syksy 2019, aikuisjäsen
  • 100 € sisäratamaksu / kevät 2020, aikuisjäsen
  • 50 € sisäratamaksu / syksy, nuorisojäsen (0-15v)
  • 50 € sisäratamaksu / kevät, nuorisojäsen (0-15v)
  • 15 € kertamaksu sisäradalla / päivä, yli 15v
  • 10 € kertamaksu sisäradalla 4 tuntia, yli 15v
  • 5 € 0-15v. vanhemman valvonnassa. (Vanhempi ei aja)
  • 0 € 0-15v. ratamaksun maksaneen vanhempansa kanssa


Ahveniston Autourheilijat Poltinahon seurakuntatalo
Matti Alangon katu 31, 13130 Hämeenlinna (Sisäänkäynti seruakuntatalon takaovesta)

  • 20.9.2019 alkaen. Poikkeuksista mainitaan kerholla/facebook
  • Perjantaisin 17.00 – 21.00
  • Off-Road 1:10 luokka Crossi
  • Messumatto n.10x17m


  • Ajaminen radalla on ilmaista, mutta on toivottavaa, että mahdollisimman moni osallistuisi radan kasaamiseen ja purkamiseen.


Kokkolan Urheiluautoilijat
Niittykatu 1, 67100 Kokkola
Off-road krossirata
- Sopii 1/10 ja sitä pienemmille krossiautoille
- Tolu-pidotettu betonilattia / messumatto hyppyrit
- LapSnapper ajanottojärjestelmä, ponderivuokra 2€

Ajokerrat keskiviikkoisin klo 18 ja sunnuntaisin juniorivuoro alkaen klo 15, jonka jälkeen vauhdikkaampi porukka, n. klo 17

- KokUA:n jäsen 5€/ajokerta
- Ei jäsen 10€/ajokerta
- Kuukausimaksu 30€, jolla käytössä sisä- ja ulkorata

Lisää tietoa löytyy RC10 foorumilta kerhojen toimittamana


Mikäli kerhonne tiedot puuttuvat tästä listasta niin kerro siitä meille niin lisäämme kerhonne listaan. 

Hyvää harrastekautta talvelle 19-20. 

About us

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Terms and conditions


All products listed as “in stock” are in our warehouse and ready to be shipped within the next day. Exceptions to this are pre-orders and possible, but unlikely, errors in stock numbers. All products include the  VAT according to the destination country.  Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

Customer service speed

We are answering emails everyday from the morning to the late evening, no matter if its Sunday or Christmas eve. We work in the EET time zone which is +2h from GMT. During the day our customer service is usually really fast and in the evening we are little slower due we have less people to answer questions. Easier things are usually handled within the hour and shipping related things we try to handle during the day so they can be shipped out the same day. Our goal is to answer all emails within 24h no matter how difficult the question is. The fastest way to get customer service is always to send us a email. Please include relevant pictures and a structured email with proper sentences so we can answer you faster. Take your time and read trough your email once before you send it to us.

Payment Methods and Shipment Information

We ship globally for example to Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom, Norway, Turkey, Switzerland). And many other countries, just go to the checkout and see if you can checkout. If not just let us know and we will quote you a price as we are able to ship to any country in the world.

We accept Paypal, credit card payments, Apple Pay and IBAN/BIC (SEPA) bank transfers.

Payment service

Our credit card and web bank services are delivered by Finnish Paytrail Oyj.

Paytrail Oyj, Business-id: 2122839-7

Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä

We also have numerous local payment options available through our international payment service


Kraanspoor 39
1033 SC Amsterdam
Postbus 37159
1030 AD Amsterdam
The Netherlands

P: +31 (0)20 8500 500
E: [email protected]


All payments are made in Euros. You can however browse the shop in other currency but the price then is not final. You will see the final Euro price in your shopping basket when paying for the product. The price is shown in “5. Send Order” part of the checkout form.


Our shop automaticaly includes or excludes VAT percentage from the prices by the destination country. You can change the destination country from the checkout pages before you order.  All our customers will pay the same price no matter the included VAT percentage. Companies who are buying with VAT numbers can buy products with exluded VAT according to destination country. 

Shipping options

You can browse all our shipping options with out registering. Just add the products you are interested in and proceed to checkout page where you can see all the shipping options and estimated delivery times.

Basic tracked shipping starts from 6,90€ (GLS road freight) in European Union countries.

Estimate Shipping times with GLS.

An international GLS parcel is delivered to neighbouring states of Finland like Sweden or the Baltic countries in a standard delivery time of 24 to 72 hours. To more distant European countries the international parcel dispatch takes between three and six working days, to remote areas up to eight days. Rough estimate is 1 week from order to delivery.

Please note that GLS shipping time is calculated in working days (Monday to Friday) and excluding the day when parcel is shipped.
Here you can find estimated delivery times.
Note! Here you can find collected statistics about average delivery times.

Estimated shipping times by DHL and UPS

DHL Express and UPS Express are our fastest delivery options. Both options can reach almost anyplace in EU in 1 day, but some places take 2 days.
• Depending what kind of products you want to order the shop will let you choose from available shipping options.
• Both Options are also Door To Door Services. The Courier will deliver the parcel to your door. But they also have pickup points where they might drop your package off so you can pick it up when it suits you.

When you are checking out your order you can see a more precise estimate of each shipping option to your country.

Refund policy

We accept returns of new, unused merchandise within 14 days from the delivery. Please contact us at [email protected] to receive return information. The customer is responsible for any return costs unless otherwise agreed to with our customer service. We try to return the money with the same payment method that was used to pay for the order, if its not possible we make a wiretransfer. You can also request a gift card if you are making a new order to speed up the process.

We also accept returns after 14 days upto 50days, but we refund them with a giftcard to our shop so you can replace them with any products we sell. Please contact our customer service for details.

After we receive the merchandise and verify its re-sellable condition, we will refund the money or give you a giftcard. Depending on the item this will take 1-3 days after we have received the item. If there is a delay we will contact you.

Please note that all parcels that are returned to us because customer has not picked it up / accepted it or paid customs fees of it will processed. Handling and shipping costs will be reduced from the refunds.

Note! Every return made without notice via email will be charged with handling fee of 20€. Handling fee will be reduced from the total refund.

Damaged Shipment

In the rare occurrence that the shipment has been damaged, please take pictures and send those to our customer service [email protected] immediately and we will make sure we get you sorted and back to enjoying our hobby. Also notify the courier bringing you the shipment that it has been damaged.

Defective parts and Warranty Issues

If you feel that your product is defective please send us a email and we will let you know what to do next. Most items do not have a warranty as they will break in normal usage. For example if you hit something solid or take a larger tumble. Properly used items should easily last 3-12 months and during this period we are able to replace broken items if they have a manufacturing or material fault. We have years of experience with different makes and they all have different warranty policies. We have chosen to work with brands that have a good understanding how to serve their customers and you can be assured that you will get the best customer experience possible with us.

We do not replace or exchange products that are not defective or broken by improper use or have not been maintained. But we do help and teach you how to do things properly so you do not break anything in the future, just email us and we will help you out. We are however unable to wrench for you, its part of the hobby so its important that you will learn that part also your self, we have great tools to sell you so just ask us what you need.
Note! Many manufacturers are strickt that electronics are not allowed  to be modified (connectors changed etc.) without disabling the warranty. Remember to check this from your products manual.

Don’t worry you are safe with us! Most of our customers feel that they get excellent service in the rare occurrence that they encounter a problem with the product they have bought.

And remember if you run in to a problem or you feel that there is a problem with arrived products do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help and we do our best to sort it out as soon as possible.

What happens if EuroRC made a error in the shipment?

We ship a lot of orders each day and rarely there are errors. We do however try to minimize the effect on the customer. Please contact us immediately if we have made an error and we will make it right.

Address for returns

Always contact us before returning any product, we can not take responsibility for shipments that are sent without prior notice. Its very important that we can tell you how to mark the parcel so it will be processed in a timely fashion.

EuroRC Oy
Päiviöntie 8
12400 Tervakoski

[email protected]



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